The Woody Plants of Korea (한국의 수목)

To aid persons interested in the study and identification of the woody plants of Korea


Search results

  1. Acer pictum var. mono Node/Spm

    S Korea Acer pictum var. mono (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2023-04-05 14:49

  2. Acer Node/Spm

    복장나무 Acer (Dicots), Acer (Dicots) ...

    huikim - 2020-04-11 18:51

  3. Acer barbinerve Node/Spm

    S Korea Acer barbinerve (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2020-06-09 19:53

  4. Acer tegmentosum Node/Spm

    in subalpine zone Tree N at; N Korea, S Korea Acer tegmentosum (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2020-10-30 12:42

  5. Acer mandshuricum Node/Spm

    (Baekdudae-gan) Acer mandshuricum (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2020-11-07 22:31

  6. Acer caudatum var. ukurunduense Node/Spm

    (Baekdudaegan)] shrub Nat; N Korea, S Korea Acer caudatum var. ukurunduense (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2020-10-26 14:57

  7. Acer triflorum Node/Spm

    S Korea Acer triflorum (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2023-04-05 14:23

  8. Acer pseudosieboldianum Node/Spm

    pseudosieboldianum var. pilosum Nakai is an invalidly published name and this name should not be used any more. Acer ...

    quercus61 - 2020-10-30 13:49

  9. Aceraceae, Aceraceae, Acer Node/Spm

    얇은 막으로 발달하며, 내피는 때로 단단하다. 떡잎은 얇은 잎과 같다. Aceraceae (Dicots), Aceraceae (Dicots), Acer (Dicots), ...

    huikim - 2023-04-10 00:48

  10. Acer Node/Spm

    털이 없다; 열매는 3-5개씩 달린다     A. mandshuricum 복장나무 Key to Acer 1a. Leaves simple; bud scales less than 10 ... –flowered  A. mandshuricum Acer (Dicots) ...

    quercus61 - 2020-04-19 00:39


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith