Welcome to The Woody Plants of Korea (한국의 수목)
Korean Woody flora was written to familiarize naturalists, forestry professionals, students, and amateurs with the trees of Korea. This eflora is produced to meet a growing demand for information on the identification and characteristics of Korean trees in the light of new knowledge and updated information. This flora is based on the broader sense.
In this eflora photographs, maps, literatures, and many drawings are provided, and features useful for identification of the tree species are emphasized. We were in favor of a more classic arrangement taken from Englerian system except a few cases.
Visit Our Affiliated Sites: Korean Peninsula Flora (http://kpf.myspecies.info/).
Recent Pages
huikim - 2015-04-06
수목 식별의 핵심은 변이에 대한 이해지만, 과거 Linnaeus의 기재방식으로 이 목적을 구현하기가 매우 어렵습니다.
huikim - 2015-04-06
이 해당사이트는 2012-2015년 산림청 자유공모과제 북한생물다양성사업의 지원 결과물입니다.
huikim - 2015-04-06
Chang, C.S. & Kim, H. 2015. The Woody Plants of Korea. Beta Version.
Recent Media galleries
quercus61 - 2020-12-13
상록 반관목. 겨울눈 및 소지 원줄기에 잔털이 있고, 가지는 지름이 1mm이며, 갈색이 돌고 잔털이 있다.
quercus61 - 2019-06-07
quercus61 - 2019-05-07
Recently Added Literature
huikim - 2015-08-04
huikim - 2015-06-11
huikim - 2015-06-11